Kathy Stillie’s soaps are ‘kind to your skin and kind to the environment’


Vegan, earth-friendly & plant powered? There’s no better kind of soap product to nourish your body with! When Kathy Stillie’s son began developing skin irritation at a young age, she decided to create pure, artisan crafted natural soap products that are not only beneficial to our skin, but also minimize our impact on mother earth. You won’t find any toxic or animal product in her soaps. Each natural ingredient is thoughtfully chosen—even the aesthetically stunning looks of her soaps is achieved with natural-based plant colours! The signature rocky mountain peek that Stillie creates on her soaps reflects the origins of its creation, but the mountains are also a wonderful representation of Suntree Soaps as a brand: bold, beautiful and pure.


Is Suntree Soaps your first business or are you a serial entrepreneur?

“Yes, Suntree Soaps is my first business.  I have always loved the creativity that it has allowed me over the years.”

Why did you decide to use only earth-friendly and plant powered ingredients for your products? Your soap making journey started in 2001 but at what age or time in your life did you start becoming passionate about all-natural products? Did this revelation come later in life or were you raised with these values?

“I decided to only use earth friendly & plant powered ingredients because that has always been the type of products that I would buy for myself and my family.  I wanted the ingredients to be simple, natural and skin loving, not filled with unnecessary chemicals, toxins and fragrance oils. I guess I really started to pay more attention to ingredients when I had my children. My son developed eczema at a very young age and I felt the need to create my own natural products for him. I wanted to create a natural soap using mild butters, oils and essential oils. I wanted to control the ingredients to ensure that the soap was beneficial and not harmful to his delicate skin. Everything grew from there.”


I only use natural & plant-based colours such as spinach powder, alfalfa powder, turmeric, clays etc. Anytime you introduce an artificial colour or synthetic ingredient you run the risk of skin irritation.

The colours in your products are beautiful-- amazing that this can really be achieved with only natural plant-based colouring!  What’s something that you wished more consumers knew about the consequences of using soaps with artificial colours and fragrances?

“Thank you! Yes, I only use natural & plant-based colours such as spinach powder, alfalfa powder, turmeric, clays etc. Anytime you introduce an artificial colour or synthetic ingredient you run the risk of skin irritation. Especially in the mass produced commercial products where all kinds of nasties are added. They can leave your skin dry and irritated instead of feeling and soft and nourished. Your skin is porous and absorbent. Continued use of chemical laden products will cause the body to store the chemicals in the body fat. With enough accumulation of toxins in the body illness and skin irritations can occur.”


Is your soap made right in Okotoks?

“Yes, all of my products are made in Okotoks, on Suntree Lane. Hence the name".”



In these uncertain times, I think a lot of people are eager to hear from people like yourself who are hardworking and found success in their niche! When you feel overwhelmed, uncertain or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do?

“Being overwhelmed and feeling uncertain definitely comes along with the territory. Many small business owners that I know share the same feelings of being overwhelmed at times.  I feel that it is very important to have a good supportive group of friends who are also business owners and makers who share in the same struggles. Calgary has a wonderful network of small business owners who lift each other up. I also feel that it is important to stay in your own lane and focus on your achievements and don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.”


You started out as a soap company but have expanded to include other products including bath salts, face masks and salt scrubs. What would you say is currently your most popular non-soap product?

“My most popular non soap item would have to be the Milk Bath.  This is my favourite product because it is so luxurious and your skin feel silky soft when you get out of the bath.  Plus who doesn’t love the smell of coconut and lime.”


In what ways do you see Suntree Soaps expanding or improving in the next 5 years?

“I have many ideas on expanding the product line to include aromatherapy room sprays and luxe salt bars to name a few. I’m always looking for ways to improve be it a new essential oil combination in a soap or new labels on my glass jar products.”

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